The Animal You See First Reveals Your Anger Trigger

Are you ready? Look at this picture. Which animal do you notice first?

Alright, let’s take a look at what that means and what your anger trigger is likely to be!

  1. The Bear Chances are you have an adventurous and curious spirit. However, you have a hot temper that cools quickly. Your biggest trigger is disrespect, especially from those you admire.
  2. The Fish If you saw the fish first, you likely avoid confrontation. You rarely get angry, but when you do, it’s usually because you feel taken advantage of or disregarded. You dislike being perceived as weak due to your kindness.
  3. The Kangaroo The kangaroo signifies a selfless person who puts others first. However, people sometimes take advantage of your kindness, and that is your biggest trigger.
  4. The Lion If you spotted the lion first, you are highly emotional and quick to anger. Small things can set you off, but your anger fades quickly.
  5. The Dolphin You are creative and unique. Your biggest trigger is inauthentic people, but it takes a lot for you to express your anger.
  6. The Fox If you noticed the fox first, you are quick-witted and constantly learning. Your major trigger is having to repeat yourself.
  7. The Cat You seem shy but prefer thinking before speaking. Your biggest trigger is loudmouths who dominate conversations.
  8. The Eagle You set high expectations for yourself and others. Your main trigger is people failing to meet those expectations.
  9. The Elephant People may misjudge you as bossy or rude, but you have a kind heart. Your worst trigger is witnessing injustice.
  10. The Rabbit You are energetic and love to entertain. Your biggest trigger is negativity and constant complaining.
  11. The Giraffe You are kind and gentle, expecting the same from others. Your anger is triggered when people fail to reciprocate your energy.

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